Teams create a fragrance and design a campaign
In Essence of Excellence teams become alchemists, experimenting with exotic extracts to create a blend that captures the essence of their target market. Teams discuss and define the mood, likes and characteristics of their target market. Teams learn the basic techniques of perfumery, teams blend base, mid and top ‘notes’ to create a ready-to-wear fragrance. They then support their fragrance with a powerful and persuasive marketing campaign which they present to the whole group.
The customer is the focus in Essence of Excellence. Teams are required to understand the emotions and motivations of their target market in order to capture its essence with a bespoke scent and a creative brand. During the process, participants’ own perceptions are explored and compared with that of others, highlighting that we each operate from a unique and valid model, This realisation brings understanding, bridges cultural gaps and builds relationships within each team. It also brings a deeper understanding of customers and their perceptions.
Ça faisait déjà un petit moment que je pensais à la pipe que fumait mon grand-père... et que je me demandais qu'est-ce qu'avait son tabac de si spécial. Il faut dire que cette pensée a pris tout son sens après avoir participé à cette activité unique stimulant la réflexion. J'en suis sorti transporté mais également transformé : depuis je prends toujours un instant pour prendre du recul et réfléchir en quoi ma vision et mes opinions, et même jusqu'à ma manière de m'exprimer, peuvent différer de celles des autres, que ce soit pour des raisons culturelles ou d'expérience personnelle,
Les candidates au concours national Miss China World créent des parfums grâce à l'activité Essence of Excellence.
This activity has been innovated to utilise AI. Gamifying AI in this program creates a safe and engaging environment to explore and get hands-on experience with AI tools as a team. The outcomes are multifaceted, providing valuable insights and practical applications in the workplace. Click here for more AI Team Building Activities.